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Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
Singapore family books $1 min Virgin space flight. Would you pay for it? Why and why not?
01:17 : Tuesday 3 January 2012

Virgin Galactic, the company that made the Virgin Space flight possible.Here is a little bit more about the Virgin Space Flight; it begins when Dr Peter Diamandis announced the X Prize (later the Ansari X Prize) of $10m for the first non-government organization to launch a research to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks and developing a low-cost spaceflight. And the two men behind the Space Ship One beat their competitors and got the Ansari X Prize hence able to convince Sir Richard Branson(founder of Virgin Galactic) to fund their project. With his investment they are able to commercialise the prototype technology, thus created the world's first spaceline.
When we first heard that Virgin Galactic is able to take people to space, we were so amazed that  technology have advanced so much in recent years and people now have better understanding and knowledge about space. Not only is going to space the latest trend for the rich and famous, but also there is an increase in the number of request from families to cremate their loved ones in space (also known as space burial) when they pass on.

To me, if we were given a chance to go to space, we would definitely do it because it is a once in a life time experience, you only live once and if you can afford it then, why not? You will get to experience zero gravity in space and that experience cannot be replaced by anything be it private jet rides, hot air balloon rides, helicopter rides and etc. Moreover, being out there will let you understand Mother Earth better, being able to see how vulnerable we have made her, the thin atmosphere keeping out all harmful rays from entering Earth slowly getting thinner day by day. Hence, the experience will give those who have been on the ride more knowledge about the impacts of our actions on Earth, therefore, being more aware about the environment too.
Also Virgin Galatic is very much aware of the environment. Hence, they have came up with a spaceship which is able to launch much cleaner, cheaper and safer by design which is unlike the past.
Below are some aspects where Virgin Galatic's spaceship are environmentally friendly:

·         Air launch - avoids the need for large and dirty ground-based rocketry.
·         Hybrid rocket motor - benign, non-toxic fuels with a high altitude and short burn time due to air launch
·         Unpowered descent and landing
·         Fully reusable

In addition, introducing the Virgin space flight will interest companies to think that it is a feasible idea and especially when there already is a prototype makes the project even more assuring and there would be an increase in inverstment. With increase in investment the project will commence, materials and labour would be needed. This would boost the economy as there would be more jobs available, lowering unemployment rate and the increase in demand for specific goods would spur suppliers to sell more and hire more people to transport goods over or help pack the goods for delivery.
However, going to space is not for anyone, the cost for a seat on the SpaceShipTwo or the WhiteKnightTwo is $200,000. When Virgin Galatic has already reduce the price to its lowest. But for most average working family, they do not even earn this amount after years of hard work. And even for those who are more well off, some may feel that this is a total waste of money and the money can be spent on numerous luxurious holiday trips or anything else more worth it. Therefore, this new tourism industry is only able to be enjoyed by the rich and famous that are looking for something more refreshing and new.
To conclude, I strongly agree to going to space if one can ever afford it as there is no way anything can replace the experience. Although it may seem like a total waste of money as $200,000 is not a small amount of money, the introduction of the Virgin Space flight would be good for the economy and also a breakthrough allowing people to be nearer to space, being more aware of the environment and the Earth.

701 words

Is rehabilitation more effective or punishment?
06:19 : Tuesday 20 December 2011
Rehabilitation or Punishment

Should a person rehabilitate, or receive a punishment when he or she has been released from the prison? In many countries, there is no solution whether rehabilitation or punishment is more effective. Most of us will think that they should be punished, as they are more likely to repeat the history itself. But some of us would think that they should be rehabilitated too, as they should be given a second chance to turn over a new leaf. Both rehabilitation and punishment are important, but asking if which is more effective than the other, we still have to depends largely on the attitude of a person. Whether if he or she is likely to change, or strike again.

Rehabilitation is the re-establishing of one's reputation, as to help him or her  to redapt to the society or a new job by vocational guidance, or retraining. By doing so, a person who has  been released from the prison will reflect, and also feel regretted for what they had done. So if they are given a chance to change, a chance to start anew, and a chance to prove themselves as a person, they will work harder to achieve their new goals in life.

But all of these have to be judged by a person's character and attitude during the time they are in the prison. Through counselling and by observing their actions, we can tell whether that person is more likely to change for the better and if it is worth  giving them a second chance.

Punishment is a requisite consequence for an offence done, by canning for man and being also jailed as well as being fined. By doing so, they will be reminded and also act like a 'wake-up call' for them, as well as other people who are planning to follow their foot steps.

We would not have punishment if we had rehabilitation. A potential criminal is much more likely to commit a crime if they know that they would not be punished for it. After the punishment, they will then start to reflect and decide for themselves.

Before we punish them, we have to know what kind of crime they have done. Many prisoners suffered from psychiatric disorders and had long histories of drug addiction, alcoholism, and trauma. We learnt that rehabilitation is more effective than punishment to this kind of prisoners. They need more care from their family member, friends and including the society. If we choose to punish them, we would be unable to learn from their mistake and continue to lead the life without changing.

Both rehabilitation and punishment are important. Rehabilitation helps to fix people who are unstable or are going through hard time in their life, and thus causing them to make mistakes. Punishments help to make a person realise that he or she should not repeat it. As for those without punishments, they will be more likely to incur an offense thinking that they would just have to go for rehabilitation. In fact, we think that both rehabilitation and punishment are required, that a person should go through punishment followed by rehabilitation.

For example, there was a case in Canada where a man who was drunk, thus lost his two daughters in a blizzard and had admitted he was wrong, and pleaded guilty. But the judge ignored the sentencing circle and gave him 3 years in prison. By punishing him in prison for 3 years, he will blame himself for it and thus loses his confidence, which will cause him to feel demoralized and lack of self-confidence in the future. We felt that the man should have stayed in the community since he admitted his mistakes, and moreover, he was drunk. Based on his attitude, we can see that he regretted drinking, and that he should be given a chance to stay in the community to help the society rather than staying in prison for 3 years which was wasting his time as well as wasting resources.

This make it effective as that person will be punished for what they had done, and starts to change, followed by rehabilitation which helps that person to re-establish their reputation and start a new life.

However, there is a need to be a mix of both. Firstly, sincerely offer the prisoner a chance of rehabilitation and the tools to reintegrate themself into the community; if they refuse or betray  the society's trust again, the punishment must be harsh and unrelenting or vice versa. We are unable to give these people chances again and again.

Just take Singapore as for an example; we punish them at first by putting them into jail and after that, we give change to people who are willing to change. That is why we have the Yellow ribbon project to let them have a second chance and to be accepted by the society.

813 words

Divorce has been on the rise for a long time
10:40 : Saturday 3 December 2011
Age Specific Divorce Rates

Recent statistics show that the divorce rate has increased significantly amongst younger married couples in the age group of 20 – 30 years old.

In the past, women spent most of their time at home doing housework, taking care of their children and husband. Meanwhile, men were considered to be the bread-winners and wanted to be in a position of power. Therefore, women had to depend financially on men. Now women's roles have been changing significantly. They attain the equality with men by being well- educated and energetic in social work. Both sexes have the same chances in earning money as long as they are qualified. It is the fact that women now can put an end to an unhappy marriage, which was impossible in the past. 

Reason for divorce:

1.   Financial Issues
One of the most common reasons for divorce is economic strain. Every couple has to deal with money at some stage, and when there is not enough, differences in temperament and priorities are brought to a head. Even if there is no debt incurred, disagreements over the allocation of money and resources within the marriage and the home can often be enough to end an already irritated relationship.

2.   Communication breakdown
Communication is the revealing of thoughts or ideas and is an important aspect of all relationships. If effective communication is not present in a marriage, then the relationship will suffer and slowly weaken. To have an effective communication, one should try to be as open as possible by revealing all emotions and feelings.

3.   Physical and Psychological or Emotional Abuse
Physical abuse may include violence, fighting, manhandling, and physical bullying of an individual. Psychological and emotional abuse can be as seemingly innocuous as verbal insults, and can range to taunting, humiliation, intimidation, and consistent negative reinforcement.

Addiction is not a phenomenon limited to drugs alone. It may be addicted to food, gambling, drugs and alcohol, the Internet, games, and any of a host of other things. An addiction that can be shown to be causing harm is an acceptable reason for the granting of an at-fault divorce.

5.   Adultery or Extramarital sex (Infidelity)  & Affair

6.   Religious and Cultural Strains
Couples of mixed ethnicity, religion, or from significantly different cultures may find themselves being pressured by the expectations of their spouse, or their spouse's culture to conform to the ideals of the other. This may include resentment at having to observe the dietary taboos of a culture, or more seriously, disputes over the spiritual development of any children. Most parents prefer that their children be the same religion as themselves, which immediately creates tension even in relatively happy multicultural marriages.

Life quality of both men and women decreases considerably after the divorce. Many women still depend tightly on their husband for financial support; therefore, separating from their husband has the same meaning with reduction of financial supply, which makes their life earning harder. Although men's financial issue is brighter than women's for not having to support his wife any more, divorced men loose the physical and mental nourishment. There will be no one cooking for them so that after they come back from work they can enjoy warm meals with his cozy family, and there will be no one reminding him of going to bed when it is too late. It is even hard for him when he does not have a wife beside encouraging him every time he fails and congratulating him when he wins. Life is then really miserable for both men and women.
Not only the couple suffers from the divorce, their children also become the innocent victims. They loss the care and support from one of their parents who ever stays with them in a united family. They are likely to feel unsecured by the change because they do not have the protection and caring from the parents as before. Many children turn out to do badly at school and usually misbehave after their parents get divorced. To make the matter worse, the divorce does create in the children's mind the fear of the failure of marital life which badly affect their confidence and belief of life when they grow up.

In conclusion, couples should only think of divorce as a final solution after they have considered carefully the pros and cons that it may bring about for their life and their children. The fewer couples get divorced, the more children can benefit from their parents.
764 words

Drink Driving
21:28 : Tuesday 15 November 2011
‘Don’t drink to drive’

There is a significant rise in drink-driving from a record of 7% rise in 2006, to 4,009 cases in 2007 which is the highest for the last 10 years. This is largely contributed by a 9% increase in the number of drivers who were detected for drink-driving in non-accident cases.

Reasons for drink driving
Firstly, pride is the first thing that comes to a person's mind. They tend to not admit that they are drunk as their pride is telling them that they are not, but in actual fact, they are. They also want to show their friends that they are capable of binge drinking, and that they wont be drunk so easily. Peer pressure is what spurring them to drink, and drive. For example, another friend could ,out of concern, be asking another drunkard to call his family members or other friends who are not drinking to fetch them home. But they could be thinking their friend is, in another way, trying to tease them that they do not have the capability to drive home after drinking.

Another reason why people drink and drive is because of the mentality that they have on the road. People think and hope that they would not get caught by the traffic police as the possibility of them getting caught is low due to other drivers on the road. This would encourage them to drive after they drink and even speed which makes it even more dangerous.

Consequences of drink driving
One of the consequences is that an accident might happen to the driver himself, the third party who is in the car with him, and also the other drivers or passerby on the road and pathway. These accidents will costs him fines, imprisonment and for guys, caning, depending on how badly the results are.

The other consequence is that if they are stopped by traffic police, and the breathalyzer reading is more than 0.08% of alcohol containing in his breath, he can be fined up to about $5000 for the first time, and with a 6 months imprisonment and license revoked. For the second time, he will be fined up to $10,000 with 1 year imprisonment and also license revoked. Subsequently, all of these will be doubled and so on.

In our opinion, we think that drunkards can take a cab home after they drink to be safe and not post a threat to people as they can get violent. They can also call their family members or friends who didn’t drink to pick them up. It is safer this way as the driver would be more sane and able to make the right judgement on the road. Before they decided to drink, they can also make a call to a service which provide them with a personal designated driver who can drive them home. All in all, plan ahead and do not wait until you are impaired by alcohol and then make your transportation plan. By then, your judgement is already compromised and you may risk making a regretful decision to drive under the influence of alcohol.

516 words


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